Legal details as per § 5 TMG
Nepos GmbH
Auguststr. 16a
12209 Berlin
Trade register: HRB 167825 B
Registration court:: Amtsgericht Berlin
Represented by:
Paul Lunow (Managing Director)
VAT identification number
according to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 301 779 953
Content liability as per § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Nepos GmbH
Auguststr. 16a
12209 Berlin
Content liability
As a service provider, we are responsible for all our own content on this website according to the general legal provisions as per § 7, section 1 TMG, however, we do not hold any liabilities on-towards the supervision and legal contents of third-party information saved or transmitted.
Obligations towards removing or suspending the use of information in accordance with the general legal provisions are not infringed by this. Any resulting liabilities pertaining these obligations are however only binding from the time of notification on a concrete infringement. On notification of such infringements, we will remove the contents in question immediately.
Third-party content
Our offer contains links to external websites by third-party providers, over whose contents we have no influence. We cannot be held responsible for third-party contents. The relevant operators and providers are responsible for the contents of these linked-in websites. A permanent control over the linked-in websites’ contents is unreasonable without concrete evidence of a breach of law. On notification of such infringements, we will remove such links immediately.
All contents and works created by the operator of this website are subject to German copyright law. Multiplication, alteration, distribution and any form of use outside of this copyright law require the written consent of the relevant author or creator. Downloads and copies from this site are only permitted for non-commercial private use.
For contents on this site not created by the operator, all copyrights of third-party sources involved were observed and identified as such. However, please contact us should you notice any copyright infringements. We will remove those contents immediately on notification of a copyright infringement.
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